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Monday, July 20, 2009


im still the same
without make up and dress up
im so pure in real ,hehe
clap clap ,im a good girl ^~^

but ,im very busy recently right .
everyday went office just do do do and do .
have no rest time except break time .
so rush ,and rushing every hours and second .

of course RUSH ,bcos our department
have not enough ppl to work .
im also working OT .
im a good employee ,smile :)

but maybe its good for me.
every day doing good ,its a good habit.
im used to do tat ,but pressure and tired =(
once i back home ,im just gonna to eat .
dinner ? dessert?? oh ,no , gonna FAT soon
god bless me ..

i keep rape the ICE-CREAM
it was my sister last time bought .
what mean by "rape"
chinese mean "强奸" means ,im keep eat the ice-cream
lost control ,keep rape it ~.~""

photo be witness .

holy shit!!
im going to rape it later
see ya ,bao bei men ,pls miss me .
u guys support r my power ,when saw tat comment
i will smile , thx urs =)
somthing i need to say !!
im very disappointed .
BON ODORI ,i didnt go at all !!
im very very ,so damn damn disappointed then~
every years ,i keep asking ppl accompany me go .
but ,lastly many accident want !!
make me definitely feel desperate .
cos is EVERY YEARS,not no car otherwise sure is others reason.
so many excuses made me cant go bon odori .
im so hopefully ,wishing to go there . ='(
but my BB need to work ,absolutely he cant accompany me.
yong xiang sick ,kean yip dun feel wanna go and shah alam is faraway.
so i give up ,i just can wishes myself can going BON ODORI for next year .
good luck for me ,tears out ='((( bao bei men knew i love japan so much right ?T_T