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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

9market ★★☆ perfect wedding

wednesday i was sleep until 12pm only woke up.
then MR.tan coming to my house ,im playing my lap top.
he working early in the morning .
then i just let him rest for a while.

4pm we ready to going out.
our first station was connaught night markar.(pasar malam)
i wish to going night market with baby Tan
bcos i wanted to EAT EAT and EAT !!!
but i have not much money,everytime go with clasmate.
just window shop,not even eat or buy anything .
so happiness that day eating untill my stomach very full.

and i bought a present for kean yip ,my *干哥哥
bcos he late me 1 day birthday ,so i bought it to him.
we should celebrate together ,yup.every years.
i hope that he will honestly like the present. :)

after the night market ,we're going to PAVILION.
we ate snowflake again while tuesday only ate with bling yap. hehe.
but this time not eat the same snowflake.turn to eat flavor "cocoloco"
not bad . :) baby tan actually wanted to eat SHIMINO ..
but after night market meal. and snowflake,we really behtahan already .
cos stomach full 到唔 full ...hehe..

we got watch a movie 【perfect wedding】
actor by rayment lam峰 and 楊千嬅.❤❤
very nice movie,funny and touching .no regret to watch it :))
intro for u guys ,must go to watch it .^^

took so much photo with baby AH TAN

and self shoot too.. ^^