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Saturday, October 24, 2009

am i desire? =)

finally streamyx be solve
my house lastly can online
im so happy to tell tis
have been long time didnt online in my house
im very tired recently
giving my self pressure
bcos i found a new job started to work on november
i need sometime to accomodate new envionment i think .
dunno what will happen on the new job
dunno what will happen on few months later
im afraid actually
but when i feel worries and moody
i will try to tell myself
u must accomodate tis cruel society
that was what i learn everlasting .
next month is november
nearly my birthday
but i think will not celebrate at all
first ,i have to work
and once im seldom join my frens
even secondary school untill now
maybe they already forgot still got a person name call "heng yee"
just recall me when we get visit each other in secondary school mate gethering
but ,im really hopeless .
but i do never querimony.
bcos i already accept what i have right now.
fortunately im the ordinary want.
somehow is true ,somehow was comfort myself .
but it was not important ,for sure .
just dun like to argue and quarrel with my BABY hun
keep quarrel lately , i have no idea
but lastly we will be fine
bcos our heart is still love each other
just hope we can make it miracle together
constantly struggle ,constantly add oil for our relationship
our LOVE ,our FUTURE .

a good news for me
my super duper idol "鄭元暢"
had born his first own songs album
album name call "暢一首歌"
im damn love the song that "王子復仇記"
i love him so much ,im going to buy his CD.
so excited ,hyper for tis =D
but i never found when going out for shopping,felt disappointed .
im still desire for it ,my sister said she will buy his album for me.
birthday gift =)

see what is in the picture
yup,cartoon moon.
tis is when BABY working but not much customer and got free times
then he got nothing to do,so he decided to draw me =D
CUTE right?feel myself very happiness
cos my BABY miss me whenever he is working or not.
he is missing me and love me all the time
how SWEET , shy~ =D