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Sunday, November 8, 2009

rock in POPPY :D

went POPPY last night for clubbing .
my ex-classmate birthday celebration .
b4 out capture few pictures =)

so excited when prepare-ing to out
cos i didnt went club with my class b4 .tis is the first time we did =D
im waiting for mr.kokogai come to fetch me.
he said 9.30pm will arrivel my house.
but he's late =(
when reach poppy was 11.30pm
bcos the road was so damn traffic jam
stuck on the raja chulan road around 1 hour
i used to dislike the feeling white traffic jam
it's really make us feel annoying .

omg ,my full body picture ,hehe ~
actually im afraid that i cannot go inside.
everytime come here with the same feeling.
too bad,but something surprise me
bcos i plus my frens total is 3 ppl.
no need order beer ,but only pay RM50 can entry.
it's really good right?!i got shocked .
im really enjoy tis clubbing night.
relax when dancing . =D
and have fun inside .
let's the photo describe what i wanted to say :D

i and brian
he's only 18 years old.
going to taiwan study next year .
we promised us meet there when i back taiwan 3 years later .

the girl who birthday =)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to VIVI tan peik hong.
im so poor last night. =(
im vomit -.- disgusting right?
i and kokogai (means chicken)HAHA!
i knew him long time ago .when im still in 16 years old i think .hehe~
we play the same forum "YOITUNE"


omg !my friends smoke .
not good for healthy , NO THX !
what the hell!!!tis guy were totally drunk .
he drink so much.NOOB ,HAHA!
tis word is copy from BRIAN .xD

damn.both are gay ! =.="

bryan what are u doing !!
dancing ?!HAHA~

i saw ppl naked dance .
but got wear underwear .haha~
he's sooooooo brave !
althought i dun know him .
but he's really COOL !
but i run away lastly ,bcos i dun wanna see tis kind of things.
lol x. tis is really disgusting .
no more club.
home sweet home early morning 5.30am
tired day. =) but enjoy and relax .happy =)

next thursday is my birthday
tis is MR.kokogai gift for me.
touch and happy =) thx my friends
i extremely love chocolate !!indeed ^^