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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

first time taste Nandos and college life.


couple set =)

bb's meal

and my meal =))

i've order chocolate ice ~
good taste !!

galic sauce with me =D

table knife with me xD
feel like wanna kill ppl?careful ,lols

and self-shooting =D

this is my first time to having Nandos
yesterday i got class untill 5 .

puppies and dog mummy ~

these dog is raise by my college's principal
the puppeis is cute and adorable.
i would like to play with it. =)
after the class,went to sunway buy new year cloths with BB..
i just bought a T-shirt only,bcos i had spent so much money for buy new year cloth this year.
so i think i have to control my budget yet i still got money left.
we got quarrel yesterday bcos some small matter.
keep argue even my sound was hoarse.
sick of this few days ,sound hoarse and cough ,soooo damn pity ='(
hope myself to recover soon ,bcos the chinese new year is around the coner .
and i was had a test yesterday ,it was malaysia studies test.
i was late to the class and im confused to doing the test.
i think i should get a worse result of my malaysia studies.
god bless me =((((((
stupid i ,first time taste Nandos and feel likeeee so excited.
bcos my sister told me it was tasty .
i believe her!!but after i taste ,what im comment is just "okay only" actually.
but nvm ,also a good experience.

actually im very stress of my college life .
cos so many assignment ,project to do and present .
endless assignment ,made me extremely pressure .!
after chinese new year got exam also no idea.
still have to fact it ,even thought i dun want ,but definitely no idea .
sigh and feel yawn abt those fucking damn assignment , presentation and exam .
and maybe is my problem or else ?i dun really know that.
some of the classmate ,cannot closer with them.
however still have a gap between me and them..
this is what kind of the feeling of me and elaine think so .
maybe is just a kinda discrimination or prejudice? i dun really know that.
so am not happy of my college life and homeword .=(
but still have to go on and endure it,no choice ,cos this is the way i choose .
chinese new year come around ,,try my best to forget about the rubbish mental . =D