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Saturday, March 28, 2009

love dating =}

finally i got back my spm result
although only can get the photostat one
but what to do?
anyway ,atleast stil have it now !

last 2 few days was QQ offday
we were went to genting
went there bcos he want to buy tis for me ↓

u guys still remember my last new article?
i was said tat i like tis cap
he knew tat i like it much .
he told me when he saw my article
he felt tat im obviously like tis cap
he wanna buy for me
but he have not much change to give me surprise
cos i always stick him
tis is what he told me =__=
but at last he decide to go genting together buy tis for me
i feel a litter touching
bcos i can 100% feel he are at the pains again

while we reached first world
we were shopping,and i walk in the shop "lovely lace"
i think im really addicted with MILK TEDDY

see ,i like it much ,its my favourite ^~^
and the we go to play !!!

see the photo ,it's a gun ,its longer too..
i cant definitely hit it, im NOOB T_T
but lastly got there trainer to teach us how to aim the target.
and i learned it,and become stronger..

wow,maybe the picture is look COOL
see me n my dear..

but he is the most adorable ..

cute n prefect !!!love him much ..
whatever how xD

finsih the strike gun game
we went to play BOWLING
i hate to play bowling actually ..
but QQ force me to play .
im the one who always work in with the others
ok , fine ..i try to play it ..
i try to accept BOWLING ..
but lastly i lost ,,i hate bowling.
i hate TAN HAN KYU [QQ]
why do u force me to play !!!!

see what is my score !!!!! totally lost !!
overall see ,we have a long distance =.=
i never strike all before ,damn it !!
but the pose was not bad !!!
after than we went to watch 3D
"monster of deep"
just few minutes

glases is cool!!apodeictic ..
but the movie ,.......a bit childish
after tis,we go to play GOGO BALL
a machine to play ,how to descibe..
just take up the ball then hit the screen.
quite fun ,its nice to play..
then majority 8 something
QQ went to casino
i just wait him at out side
but he bought me the baskin robbins
delicoius !!!!hoho~~~~!!xD

i got advise him dun gambling
it is a disavertage ,but he told me jjust half an hour
ok,let him go
when he coming out
his face,his emotion show me that he lost really disappointed leh !!!
why dun listen my advise !!!baka reeve QQ..
a day almost finish,then we back immediately..
we were tired too,n i stay back at QQ house tat night.
tomorro will go to KAJANG.. [place 富贵山庄]
pay respects to at daddy tomb
hope my daddy is the happier in the paradise =]