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Sunday, October 31, 2010


well guys.i need to say tat to everyone HAPPY helloween in the first.
and now is time 3.41AM ,i just went back from quattro.
its fun no matter how .
helloween pretty cool ,i saw angel and chinese vampire.
even 李小龙 in female version ,lol xD

but currently celebrate with ming's sister.
her bf so good,bought her a lot of flower .so jealous .haha~
i think she have a nice birthday .and my birthday are around the corner too..
i just hope that all my fren can remember my birthday as well.
ofcourse got present is the most better,hehe~

just now drink so less ,not even drunk and feeling blur.
im so awake in the club ,so i cant being highest mood at all.
but i still have fun inside with my frens.
this is my first time clubbing with keanyip (my干哥哥)
he keep telling me which pretty girl are around us.
but he is shy to get number ,atleast he is trying to get it,but he is noobie .lol xD

and lastly i got capture some picture here.
sharing with u guys and once to saying "HAPPY HELLOWEEN" ❤

bao wei and me

thid girl are nice and friendly :)

and my 干哥哥**kean yip and me

tomorrow still have to shooting mv .
dunno can wake at early morning or not.
so i have to go and sleep right now,recharging my enegry.
goodnight everyone,goodnight all my babes here :) ❤❤