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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

blank the revenge of my heart.

ex-girl friend ? why did u like a ghost ?
Totally like a ferocious Ghost
简直就系阴魂不散 *吊*
Sorry! Please forgive me of the :) Rudeness.

Frankly say ,even whats happen-ing between both u..
but if u insisted to not change ur characteristic
u wasn't get happiness everlasting .
who being to u will get disaster and SOB :))
dreaming nightmare ever when !!

u're BITCH ,u were past already
why still keeeeeep contact with the guy who abandoned to U.
u definitely Silly .lols ,i've been sad about u :*(
trying to destroy our relationship ?whatever shit !
u r just make a futile effort ,silly girl silly girl ~

confessional am was very irritating with very small matter before .
but im trying peice by peice to be more perspective a litter.
Mature girl ,almost 20 years old already..
no more prejudice ,no more discrimination .piece.
the last year of 9teen .wisheh anything getting better. =D